How To Start Pig Farming

Apr. 10, 2019

How To Start Pig Farming

Pig farming is one of the best income generating projects that a farmer can practice. Pigs are strong and resilient animals and feeding them is economical compared to other livestock.



  • Choosing the Right Breed of Pigs

Generally, pig farmers are advised to stick to breeds that are widely accepted by the buyers of meat such as Large White, Duroc etc. Consult meat processors to find out what breeds are better for commercial production.While farmers can maintain exotic breeds that mature faster, it is important to also maintain some local breeds that are more hardy and able to survive in the local environment. Local breeds are much cheaper to maintain, especially for small scale farmers.Therefore crossbreeding is an ideal situation for both commercial and small scale farming.

How To Start Pig Farming


  • Stocking Up

It is not necessary to breed your own pigs. You can just as well use artificial insemination on your sows or even quicker – buy the piglets!A sow can raise probably about 20 piglets in a single year, and you can have one boar to serve up to 12 sows. Remember to take care of the sow while she is lactating by providing enough food and water and also ensuring that the pen is made in such a way that she cannot smother her piglets.A sow for breeding has to be 5-6 months old. She cannot be less than 100 kg. After the sow has raised piglets 6 to 8 times, she can be culled.

How To Start Pig Farming


  • Pig Feeding

The main idea of running a successful pig farming project is ensuring that the pigs grow big in a short time, and that the feed is converted to muscle. It is also advisable to make sure that the pigs do not have too much fat because then the quality of meat produced will be too low.Many farmers raise free range pigs perhaps due to lack of resources. Pigs that scavenge tend to get a more balanced diet but they gain weight at a slower rate which is not good for the farmer. Where possible it is good to feed the animals in-house so that they add weight faster and avoid diseases as well as worm infestation.

How To Start Pig Farming


  • Modern Pig Equipments

 Build a pig pen in such a way that it is easy to clean. The floor should stay dry, there should be bedding and fresh air should flow through.To consider proper environment situation is very important to farming pig successfully. To farm pig farmers should make a pollution free environment. The pig industry needs a particular location. Without careful management of waste products, it may be very dangerous problem for child pig. It is a great and profitable process to make manure from the disposal of the pigs. It is very useful for agriculture. The environment of the outside and inside should protect all times because it is very essential to farming pigs. Inside environment is important for their health. The farming area should be made clean and dry. During the cold month, a heat lamp must be put and kept out of the north wind and south winds. Farmers should use straw as bedding during the winter. During summer season, it is very need that the pig has a place to lay in mud in the pen. If the pigs sweat or stay in a dry environment pigs will lose 5-10 pounds a day. So, always farmers should conscious about the pig’s health and always try not to sweat them.

How To Start Pig Farming


